The Tithe and Praise of Yahweh: Deuteronomy 26 (The Book of Deuteronomy)

Our series on Deuteronomy continues.

You can follow the Theopolis podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, and on most podcast apps. You can read show notes over on the Theopolis podcast website. You can also see past episodes I have contributed to by clicking the ‘Theopolis Podcast’ link in the bar above. If you would like to leave a question for us to answer, please do so on our Curious Cat page.

How Should We Then Die? (with Dr Ewan Goligher)

Matt and I are joined by Dr Ewan Goligher for a discussion of his recent book, How Should We Then Die? A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death.

You can also follow the podcast on iTunes, or using this RSS feed. Listen to past episodes on Soundcloud and on this page on my blog.

If you would like to support the production of the podcast, you can do so over on Patreon. If you want to find out more about the show, take a look at our website.

Remember What Amalek Did to You: Deuteronomy 25 (The Book of Deuteronomy)

Our series on Deuteronomy continues.

You can follow the Theopolis podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, and on most podcast apps. You can read show notes over on the Theopolis podcast website. You can also see past episodes I have contributed to by clicking the ‘Theopolis Podcast’ link in the bar above. If you would like to leave a question for us to answer, please do so on our Curious Cat page.

Seized Private Parts and Just Weights: Deuteronomy 25 (The Book of Deuteronomy)

Our series on Deuteronomy continues.

You can follow the Theopolis podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, and on most podcast apps. You can read show notes over on the Theopolis podcast website. You can also see past episodes I have contributed to by clicking the ‘Theopolis Podcast’ link in the bar above. If you would like to leave a question for us to answer, please do so on our Curious Cat page.

Christian Politics with Oliver O’Donovan

This is the second of our series of conversations with Oliver O’Donovan (the first is here). In this conversation, we talk about Christian politics, touching issues such as postliberalism, Carl Schmitt, and the role of Scripture in political judgment.

You can also follow the podcast on iTunes, or using this RSS feed. Listen to past episodes on Soundcloud and on this page on my blog.

If you would like to support the production of the podcast, you can do so over on Patreon. If you want to find out more about the show, take a look at our website.

Laws Concerning Levirate Marriage: Deuteronomy 25 (The Book of Deuteronomy)

Our series on Deuteronomy continues.

You can follow the Theopolis podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, and on most podcast apps. You can read show notes over on the Theopolis podcast website. You can also see past episodes I have contributed to by clicking the ‘Theopolis Podcast’ link in the bar above. If you would like to leave a question for us to answer, please do so on our Curious Cat page.

Christian Ethics with Oliver O’Donovan

Oliver O’Donovan is one of my favourite theologians and ethicists, and there are few people who have had more of an influence upon my own thought. Matt and I were privileged to have him join us for the first of a series of conversations, this one on Christian ethics.

You can also follow the podcast on iTunes, or using this RSS feed. Listen to past episodes on Soundcloud and on this page on my blog.

If you would like to support the production of the podcast, you can do so over on Patreon. If you want to find out more about the show, take a look at our website.